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Wireless In Hospitality

We Make Wireless Simple.

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Superior cellular and Wi-Fi experience for guests

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Future-proof technology

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High quality, advanced security wireless service

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Seamless coverage throughout the entire property

Hospitality Wireless Solutions

  • In-Building Wireless
    Complete cellular coverage from the parking garage to the C-suite ensures there are no dropped calls and highspeed bandwidth for everyone.
  • Managed Wi-Fi
    Managed Wi-Fi networks work collaboratively with your cellular network to ensure neither network is overly strained and they are both able to function optimally.
  • Smart Building Technology
    Smart Building Systems require reliable cellular connectivity to function effectively and ensure the safety, comfort, and energy efficiency of a building.
  • Private LTE/5G
    Ensure your wireless network is future-proof. Outdated technology can become vulnerable to security threats, limit productivity, and create compatibility issues with newer systems and software.

Three Things to Know

Neutral Host DAS Model
  • Capital Investment
  • 10yr Term w/ 5yr renewables
  • Airwavz provides all carrier coordination
Economic Benefits
  • Lower Cost than DIY models
  • Rapid Deployment of cellular coverage
  • Decreased Investment Risk
Hospitality Client Benefits
  • Future-proof Neutral Host DAS
  • Designed for 5G and all future technologies
  • Airwavz as an engaged, long-term Digital Partner

Our Process

Step One

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Meet and understand your needs

Step TWO

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Non-binding Letter of Understanding

Step Three

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Current signal strength on your property

Step Four

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Full design of system and review with owner and carrier

Step Five

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Full scale construction including system testing

Step Six

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System goes live with carrier connection

We have a proven process that makes it easy for hospitality companies and wireless carriers to GET CONNECTED!

Wireless Carrier Coordination

Airwavz Solutions is solidly founded on tested expertise, vision, knowledge and experience but none greater than that of the understanding of the major wireless carriers currently operating and supplying signal to all of us – you, me, your guests, our families and our communities.

  • Proven Process – Our carrier engagement process is aligned with each carrier’s planning and funding schedule.
  • While design and deployment cycle-times are important to the overall project timeline, the front-end of the process is critical to securing annual prioritization and funding by the carriers.
  • Pre-Negotiated Agreements – Airwavz has Master Lease Agreements with Verizon and T-Mobile and a pre-approved Master Lease Template with AT&T
  • Established ongoing working relationships with each carrier’s national & regional teams.
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The proof is in the numbers. Airwavz currently averages over 2+ Carriers per On-Air Network!